Greening Foreign and Security Policy: The Role of Europe

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Final Conference Report

Joint Report of the GFSP Working Groups

GLOBE-EU and IES co-organised a Conference on Greening Foreign and Security Policy: The Role of Europe at the European Parliament in Brussels on 6-7 December 2006. The aim of the meeting was to help promote a political process for the better integration of environment and sustainable development into European foreign and security policies.

The conference was the latest in a series of activities within the programme on Greening European Security initiated by the IES in cooperation with several other organisations.

On 31 May 2006 GLOBE-EU and IES organised a Symposium on Sustainable Development and Security: Challenges and Opportunities to begin to prepare for the December conference.

The conference examined how environmental problems can increase risks to security and other relationships between environment and security and sustainable development in the four stages of the conflict cycle covered by our GFSP working groups:

Group A: Predicting Instability - Monitoring, risk assessments and early warning in vulnerable areas and measures to avoid conflict.

Group B: Preventing Conflict - Policy instruments and measures for areas of escalating tensions and for conflict prevention (military and non-military).

Group C: Managing Conflict - Crisis management and resolution in the event of conflict (military and non-military).

Group D: Recovery and Transition - Post conflict restoration, reconstruction and structural adaptation.

GFSP Conference at EP

The groups are looking at cases involving inter-related issues, highlighting examples of best practices and putting forward ideas for policy options as well as suggestions for practical programmes and projects. Each group is also dealing not only with conflict related issues but also with natural disasters – predicting, preventing, managing, and post-disaster recovery.

A number of other cross-cutting issues are also involved including energy security and climate security. 

To download the Joint Report of the GFSP Working Groups click here.

For more information about the working groups visit the GFSP blog.

For more information on the background to the conference and the issues addressed see the  Greening Foreign & Security Policy programme main page.