Institute for Environmental Security

Advisory Council

The IES international Advisory Council gives guidance to ensure the faithful implementation of the Institute's stated objectives. Members serve in their personal capacities and not as representatives of their respective organisations.

  • Margaret Brusasco-Mackenzie, Chairperson
    Former Head, International Affairs and Adviser on Sustainable Development, Directorate-General for the Environment, European Commission / Former Faculty member IGEAT, ULB / Former Member, Prince of Wales Business and Environment Programme.
  • Marc Baltes
    Counsellor to His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Luxembourg / Former Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Luxembourg / Former Senior Advisor, International Peace Institute (IPI) / Former Deputy Co-ordinator OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities / Co-initiator of the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) / Former Advisor, Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to WEU and NATO / Former First Secretary, Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the United Nations / Former Advisor, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) / Former Co-ordinator UNCTAD Train For Trade Project Asia/Pacific
  • Elizabeth Dowdeswell
    Former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario / Former Executive Director, UNEP / Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto / Associate Fellow, European Centre for Public Affairs / Formerly President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO)
  • Ronald A. Kingham
    Co-founder and Former Director, IES / Executive Director, Stichting Environment & Development Resource Centre / Co-coordinator, Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD) / Coordinator, Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) / Coordinator, Climate and Security Action through Civil-Military Cooperation in Climate-Related Emergencies (Project CASA) / Former Executive Director, International Coalition for Development Action
  • Marcel Leroy
    Former Head, Multilateral and Regional Affairs, NATO Secretariat, Brussels / Former Special Advisor for Multilateral Issues in Addis Ababa, European Commission, / Former Coordinator of the EU liaison office to African Union.
  • Ikaros Moushouttas
    Former Member, Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit, Council of the European Union / Former Senior Press Officer, Directorate-General Agriculture, European Commission / Former Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus / Former Press Officer, UN Headquarters in Vienna
  • Derek Osborn
    Former President, Sustainable Development Observatory, European Economic and Social Committee / Former Director General, Environmental Protection, UK Department of the Environment / Former Co-Chair, 1997 UN General Assembly 5 year review of UNCED
  • Michael Renner
    Former, Senior Researcher-Director, Global Security Project, Worldwatch Institute / Member, Global Policy Forum Board / Member, International Advisory Board, The Hague Appeal for Peace / Member, International Advisory Group, Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
  • Bernard Snoy et d'Oppuers
    Chairman, Robert Triffin International / Former Co-ordinator, OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities / Visiting Professor at the Institute of European Studies of the Catholic University of Louvain / Former Executive Director, World Bank and of the EBRD / Former Director of Table II of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe / Vice-Chairman of the International Robert Triffin Foundation

Management Board

  • Wouter J. Veening, Chairman
    Co-founder, IES / Former Policy Director, Netherlands Committee for the IUCN / Co-founder and Head, Guiana Shield Initiative
  • J. Steven Lovink, Secretary / Treasurer
    Co-founder, IES / Founder and President of TransGlobal Ventures, Inc. / Senior advisor to the Guiana Shield Initiative / Author and managing partner of the Eco-Insurance Initiative / Co-founder Planet 2025 Network



Associate Fellows


The following play the additional role of representing the institute around the world.

  • The Hague: Wouter J. Veening
  • Brussels: Ronald A. Kingham
  • Addis Ababa: Marcel Leroy
  • California: Andrew Vincent Alder-LaRue
  • New York: Harris Gleckman
  • Toronto: Tom Deligiannis